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cael nursery

CNPJ: 28.760.518/0001-42

Rua Manoel Efroy - Cidade Jardim

147 Artur Neiva Street - Toyde Village

Quebradinha Farm

Nursery Trade Policy

A good part of our products are international, in this case, be aware that the shipping will take between 20 and 40 days to arrive, it is a sacrifice for the affordable price.

Refunds for international products

If the product is lost on the way, we will be notified and the customer will receive a notification, we have applications that follow the summary of the trip in real time. If this happens, we will initiate the refund, which can last between 1 and 4 days. if the product is not sent, the refund will be faster.

Return or exchange of international products

If the product is damaged, we will ask the customer for a breakdown with photos of the product and we will analyze the product and send it to the supplier for the return, if the customer prefers we will send another product within the same period of international standard freight that is within the deadlines 20-40 days, if not, we will refund within 4 days.

About the nursery products

Nursery products will always provide cheaper shipping and faster delivery times, you can check out our products in our store. these products are made by local farmers, cooks and cooks, craftsmen and workshop workers who are within a communion of healing and bringing quality and hope to our customers, with the objective of being an instrument of the new neural update of the great interplanetary colonization.

If the product is damaged, exchanged or lost, we will refund it within 14 days and if the customer wants a refund, we will refund it within 1 to 4 days.

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